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Bob Bly -- author of 100 books and the man McGraw-Hill calls "America's top copywriter" -- reveals how you can:

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Sell More of Your Services to More, Bigger, and Better Clients - at the Fat Fees You Deserve and Want Them to Pay You - Starting This Month!

Now YOU can increase your personal income $100,000 to $200,000 a year or more - simply by becoming much more effective at selling your services to potential clients, at the fees you want to charge.

Bob Bly

Meet Bob Bly

With more than a quarter century of experience, Bob Bly has written copy for over 100 clients including Phillips, Agora, KCI, 21st Century, Weiss Research, EBI Medical Systems, Sony, IBM, AT&T, Grumman, Crain Communications, McGraw-Hill, IBM, Intuit, and AlliedSignal.

McGraw-Hill calls Bob Bly "America's top copywriter." He is the author of more than 70 books including The Complete Idiot's Guide to Direct Marketing (Alpha) and The Copywriter's Handbook(Henry Holt), and writes regular columns for DM News and Early to Rise.

What they say about Bob Bly

"One of the best copywriters in the business."
--Michael Meanwell, author, "The Wealthy Writer

"Bob Bly is one of the most successful copywriters in the world. I've used his services and purchased a lot of his materials -- and always profited from both."
--Bob Serling, President, Idea Quotient

"Considered one of the best copywriters in the country."
--David E. Wright, President, International Speakers Network

"There's no better copywriter than Robert W. Bly, the man I call the 'King of Copy.' He can teach you more about the art and science of marketing than anyone I know."
--Richard Dean Starr

"20 years ago, when Bob Bly starting teaching copywriting, the field was deeply shrouded in mystery. Now, thanks to Bob, learning copywriting, though still a tricky proposition, is much easier."
--Ken McCarthy

"For over 25 years, Bob Bly has set the gold standard in results-oriented business-to-business writing."
--Roger C. Parker, author, Looking Good in Print

"Perhaps the most famous copywriter of all."
--Apryl Duncan

"When it comes to educating his fellow copywriters and marketers, Bob Bly is the master."
--Dianna Huff

"Bob . . . Just got the copy and advertisement you did for my new book . . . It's great! You are good! Great job . . . you have tremendous insights into what excites and what sells!"
--Don Libey, Libey Incorporated

"In my opinion, you are the best copywriter in the software industry."
--Judy MacDonald, Director of Marketing, Direct Response

"I've spoken to a thousand copywriters over the years and Bob Bly is the best. He knows what he's doing."
--Joe Culotta, Natural Medicine Co.

"I am happy to report to you that your piece outproduced the 4 other packages we tested against it. I want to talk to you about another project...."
--Nick Roumi, Pacific Coast Funding

"The original ad insert of 'Wall Street's Loss is Your Gain' continues to kick butt -- pulls 12 to 15 subscriptions a week. Not bad for a $500 investment made 5 months ago."
--Charles Mizrahi, Stealth Stocks

"As a marketing professional, for 17 years I wrote my own promotional material. But I am not a professional copywriter. It wasn't until I took my own advice that I started getting the results I deserved. With Bob Bly, I got what I wanted - in the promised time frame - with re-writes - and the results I wanted. Thanks Bob!"
-- Mark Amtower, Amtower & Company

"I found your ad copy compelling, powerful ... even entertaining. You really communicated the 'feel' of the message we are selling. Thanks for such great work, Bob!"
--Ashley Earnhardt Aiken, Thomas Nelson Publishers

"Bob wrote the most ballsy ad in the history of Dynamic Changes and it set sales records this fall. People couldn't stop themselves from responding."
--Richard Scheffren, Dynamic Changes Hypnosis

"Last year you did all the copy on the What Would Jesus Eat brochure. It was wonderful and I believe is one of the reasons that the book continues to do so very well."
--Pamela Clements, Thomas Nelson Publishers

"A special thanks to Bob for doing a superb job and making this work so well. I felt like a brilliant puppet in your hands."
--Michael Masterson, AWAI

"Even though he refuses to admit it, Bob is THE Direct Marketing guru...or, at the very least, he's mine."
--Jill Perri, American Consultants League

"I am thrilled with your package, it is doing great -- will roll out as the control."
--Chris Gast, Intuit

"Great job on the Turnaround Report; it's been a huge success. We've had an incredible product launch, with hundreds of free trials in the first week."
--Marc Stockman, TheStreet.com

"Just to let you know we have been using your 8 ways letter and brochure that you did for us last year with great success. We decided to double our monthly direct mailing. Things are really taking off. I can only attribute that to our increased direct mail program. Thank you for helping us get an effective package together."
--Ray Hardee, Engineered Software, Inc.

"Your e-mail to promote ETR pulled double the response and three times the gross revenue of the control, with a 45% increase in average order size."
--Lisa Bruette, Agora Inc.

"We're very pleased! The piece you wrote has at 43 days resulted in 204 orders and 165% ROI. I have submitted a new mail plan for a rollout for 200,000+ pieces. You'll be getting a royalty payment for this."
--George Rayburn, The Dan Ferris Power Report

"It was a pleasure to work with you. Your stuff just works. You are the best money I've ever spent. Thanks a million!"
--Gail Coopersmith, Coopersmith List Consultants

"Your copy was right on target and played a major role in one of our most successful new product launches."
--Joan Damico, GretagMacbeth

"We're still running both projects you did for us last time. They're still pulling. Great stuff."
--John Leper, Stanford International

"The first four times your half-page, 2-color ad ran in Chemical Engineering, it was the highest inquiry generating ad in the magazine. It even outscored full pages and spreads."
--Bob Berner, Robert K. Berner Associates

"We still are using [the package you did for us]. It still beats all challengers to the control."
--Mark Friedman, Medical Economics

"Potence insert is looking good, currently projected to achieve a 3.64% response with a $60 (three units of purchase) average order."
--Glory Kneass, Drs. Preferred

"The Internet direct mail you wrote for us got an excellent response: 7.55% from a rented list of hard-to-excite prospects."
--Ken Paston, Studebaker-Worthington Leasing Corp.

"Bob, since working with you last fall on the plan to position Unique Truck as a source for all shop equipment, we have cut our catalog mailings 60% with no drop in sales. I look forward to a long relationship."
--Dick Stillwell, President, Unique Truck

"Sizzling stuff... very compelling... top shelf. Thanks for your quick turnaround."
--Patrick Kephart, MasterMedia

"All who reviewed your copy agreed it was terrific. Certainly it's the best DM copy I've ever had to work with, because you've hit the rare combination of good writing and a good knowledge of what you are writing about."
--Lois DeLong, American Institute of Chemical Engineers

"The copy is very good and certainly a fresh improvement on what we've done in the past. Thanks again for your help... the campaign was very successful."
--Scott Thompson, Federal Employees Almanac

"Congratulations. Your Forecasts & Strategies 'Internet Infrastructure' package is a winner... your piece is doing almost twice as good as our 'Y2K Sample Issue' mailing. I am looking forward to working with you again in the future."
--Chris Marett, Phillips Publishing

"Bob Bly, our marketing consultant, helped us produce over 8% response in less than 2 months after we started a marketing campaign. Not only did we get good numbers, we got inquiries from the cream of the crop on our target list. And, we generated about 350% increase in dollar business over the previous year."
--Sheila M. Anderson, President, Commercial Property Services

"The advanced renewal you wrote for Utility Forecaster is doing great! Mailed 4/29... 5.2% response (as of 5/27) and an average sale of $116. Thanks!"
--Lori Bethea, KCI Communications

"Your #10 direct mail package for Sarnoff's Samurai Strategies has beat the pants off the control by more than 3 to 1. Congratulations and keep up the good work!"
--David Yale, M&PA

"The letter is good... approximately 10% responded."
--Stephen S. Flaum, Flaum Consultants

"Here is a contract for four separate direct mail packages. The More Than a Gut Feeling for Sales direct mail package is getting an excellent response-a very big thank you for your help on that project."
--Tiffan Yamen, American Media

"The direct mail package looks great! Thanks!"
--Tammy Ray, Marketing Director, McGraw-Hill Book Clubs

"You sure write powerful copy!"
--Fred Weiss, Studebaker-Worthington Leasing Corp.

"Bly Rules!"
--Murray Raphel, Raphel Marketing

"Mr. Copy."
--Markus Allen, Publisher

"Perhaps the most famous copywriter of them all."
--The Writer

"[A] freelance writing dynamo...."
--Writer's Digest

"One of the great copywriters in the direct marketing industry...."
--Ruth Stevens, author, The DMA Lead Generation Handbook

Dear Services Provider:

In 1982, I quit my corporate job to try and make it on my own as a freelance copywriter.

That year, despite the fact that my clients seemed to be happy with the service I provided to them, I made only $39,000.

I called my friend SR -- an older, much more successful copywriter -- and I asked him, "What am I doing wrong?"

He then revealed a simple but powerful secret to me ... a profound truth about business that totally transformed my career.

I call it a "secret" because it's precisely that.

Most service providers truly don't know or understand this simple fact.

And many of those who do know the secret ignore it, because it clashes with their view of the way the world should work.

But I'm not interested in the way the world should work. I'm interested in the way it does work.

And the way the world works ... at least when it comes to the way people buy services ... is the harsh reality that this principle reveals.

Within a year of discovering this secret, sales of my copywriting services more than doubled ... and within two years, were more than triple my first year's earnings.

Here's the secret SR told me that day, decades ago:

"Bob, it's all well and good that you provide clients with quality service. But so do a lot of your competitors."

"The fact is this: those who make the most money selling their services in any field are not necessarily the best at their profession or craft ... they are the best at marketing and selling their services to others."

What this means to you is that it's not enough to be good or even great at what you do.

You have to be great at convincing others that you are the one they should hire instead of your competitors.

When I learned this, I didn't stop trying to improve my skills, master my craft, learn more, or provide better service to my clients.

But, taking his advice, I did spend the next few years figuring out ... and then refining ... a methodology for selling more of my services, to more and bigger clients, for larger fees.

The truth about why clients buy services can make you rich!

My friend SR was right..

Those who make the most money in any field, industry, or profession are not necessarily those who have the most knowledge, are most experienced in their craft, or sell the highest quality service.

No, those who make the most money, charge the top fees, and are constantly in demand are those who are best at selling and marketing themselves!

You may not like hearing this.

I know I didn't ... because it clashed so violently with my view of the way things ought to be.

I figured that, if I was the best at what I did, I would attract more business than I could handle, be constantly busy, and make a small fortune.

But as I told you, when I put that theory to work in my first year as a freelance copywriter, I earned only $39,000.

However, as soon as I put my 5-step "Service Selling" Process to work ... the same process I want to help you master ... my income increased dramatically.

Within 2 years, I was earning over $100,000 a year ... then $200,000 ... $300,000 ... $400,000 ... $500,000 ... $600,000 ... and along the way, became a self-made millionaire, selling only my services, while still in my 30s

Ironically, there is more competition in copywriting today than when I started ... there is, in fact, more competition in almost every conceivable service ... yet, thanks to my battle-tested 5-step "Selling Your Services" Process, I make more money every year.

That's because the competition, good as they may be, does NOT know how to sell and market their services successfully.

And that's where you can gain an enormous advantage over your competitors - and out-sell, out-market, and out-earn them all year long ... stealing away the prime clients and plum projects that they want, but you'll get.

Listen to Selling Your Services today, start stealing business away from your competitors tomorrow.

I know you're busy, don't have much time to read, and probably have a stack of books you've been meaning to get to sitting on your nightstand.

That's why I have now produced Selling Your Services as an audio program format.

Even thought it's packed with business-building selling techniques, you can listen to the entire program in less than a week while you drive around in your car.

If you're in a hurry, you can listen to the whole program in just one day. Set aside this Saturday or Sunday -- and start outselling the competition first thing Monday morning!

For, once you master my sure-fire 5-step "Selling Your Services" Process, you will be able to:

  •   Generate more leads and inquiries for your services than you could ever hope to handle ... permanently tipping the supply and demand ratio for your services in your favor.
  •   Stand out from all the competition in your industry -- and offer clients such enormous additional value that you win out over your competitors almost every time.
  •   Cause your prospects to want to hire you with such intensity that objections either vanish - or if they don't disappear, no longer prevent potential clients from pulling out their checkbooks.
  •   Charge and command premium fees ... up to double or triple what you and your competitors are getting today ... with clients happy to pay whatever price you ask.
  •   Eliminate fear and anxiety when talking with prospects and following up leads ... gain incredible confidence in yourself and the value of your services ... and develop a self-assured attitude that attracts new business like a magnet.
  •   Produce such an incredible demand for your service that clients will book you months in advance ... and wait to do their project until you become available.
  •   Create such incredible customer satisfaction that clients flood you with reorders, repeat business, and referrals ... boosting the profitability of your service business to unprecedented levels.
  •   Increase your personal income by $50,000 ... $100,000 ... even $250,000 a year ... and become a self-made millionaire or multi-millionaire within the next few years.

My 5-Step Selling Your Services Process revealed at last!

Okay. Here's just a sampling of the incredibly powerful techniques for selling more of your services ... to more and bigger clients ... for larger fees that my new Selling Your Services audio program will help you master:

  •   The 12 critical differences between selling products and selling services ... and why you must understand each to sell your services successfully.
  •   The 5-step Service Selling Process ... do each of these 5 things, in this order, and you will sell more of your services. Leave out even one step, and your closing rate will plummet.
  •   The 2 keys to getting referrals by the carload ... they're simple and easy to implement, yet most service professionals don't do either one of them very well.
  •   Generating sales leads with direct mail ... what mailing formats work best?
  •   How to network effectively -- even if you are an incredibly shy introvert and not comfortable talking to people.
  •   7 ways you can quickly and easily become a recognized expert in your field - and get your phone ringing off the hook with people wanting to hire you.
  •   Why you absolutely must have a Web site to promote your services ... and what you should put on it.
  •   The prospect says "Send me a brochure." Do you need one? If not, what should you send him instead?
  •   The 4 objectives you must accomplish in your follow-up program. It's easy when you use this pre-written phone script.
  •   The 3 types of sales follow-up ... and why you need to be doing each.
  •   How often should you contact leads? Calculating follow-up frequency with the "Rule of Seven."
  •   You find out the prospect is using your competitor. Here's what you should say in response ... and here's what you should NEVER say.
  •   A 5-step process for qualifying leads. Determine in a minute whether they're a genuine prospect -- or a waste of your time
  •   Uncovering the REAL benefit the prospect wants from your service ... not the benefit you want to sell them.
  •   5 proven strategies for using the phone to get through to - and talk with - the real decision maker.
  •   The prospect wants to meet with you. Do you charge for your time? Or is the meeting free?
  •   Why you should ban the phrases "sales meeting" and "sales presentation" from your vocabulary forever ... and the valuable alternative you should offer prospects instead.
  •   The one question you should never ask a prospect. As soon as you utter it, you are dead in the water.
  •   2 ways a novice, inexperienced service provider in your field can beat more experienced firms to win great projects from top clients.
  •   Using the "Busy Doctor Syndrome" to attract clients and projects like bees to honey.
  •   The 5 commandments of presenting your services and capabilities to interested prospects. Hint: they're not what you think.
  •   7 ways to communicate to the client that you are really listening -- and are genuinely concerned about solving his problem, not making a sale.
  •   The "act as if" strategy for making it extremely difficult for potential clients NOT to hire you.
  •   The awful truth about "consultative selling." The awful truth about making "big promises."
  •   Closing more sales with the "good, better, best" strategy
  •   A genuine way to establish personal chemistry and connections between you and the prospect. You'll enjoy it, and it will instantly make prospects like you and want to do business with you.
  •   4 ways to package and sell professional services. Which is right for you?
  •   The "middle half of the top third" pricing strategy ... how to set your fees so you remain competitive while still make a good living.
  •   What to do when the client says, "Your price is too high" ... and even better, how to make sure they never even say it in the first place!
  •   The 10 most common sales objections - and one good answer to each.
  •   How to find out exactly how much money the client wants to spend BEFORE you work up your price quotation ... ensuring that price resistance is not an object in closing the sale.
  •   What's the best way to present your fees - orally or in writing?
  •   7 steps to closing the sale ... and why you need to act quickly when you have an interested prospect on the hook.
  •   8 items that you MUST have in your quote, contract, estimate, or client agreement ... and why the client must return the signed agreement with your deposit check before you can consider the sale "closed."
  •   The 10 most common client problems ... and how to handle each.
  •   5 ways to create extraordinary client satisfaction - resulting in repeat orders and referrals - on every job you handle.
  •   The most important thing you need to know when communicating with your prospects. Violate this rule, and goodbye client!
  •   And much more..

To listen to the Selling Your Services audio program in the privacy of your car, home, or office for the next 90 days risk-free, click below now:

Praise for Selling Your Services

Here's what people are saying about earlier editions of Selling Your Services..

"Bly, a veteran copywriter and author, provides upbeat, practical tips for all those trying to sell their services."
-- Jane Applegate, Los Angeles Times

"Bly covers so many smart business strategies that it would be impossible to begin to cover them in this short review. This is a superior value."
-- Jerry Buchanan, Towers Club Newsletter

"As a freelance art director, I loathe having to go out and sell, but with Bob Bly's strategies in Selling Your Services, I do it more efficiently and successfully."
-- William Knight, Ventura, CA

"Robert Bly is amazing. I have increased my earnings many fold based on these money-making secrets."
-- Henry Devries, San Diego, CA

"I know my craft, but after Selling Your Services, I feel ten times more confident about selling my own services."
-- Justin Hitt

"Bly makes his points logically and persuasively ... exactly what I needed."
-- Carl Burkhart, Greensville, SC

Guaranteed to boost your sales -- or your money back!

It doesn't matter what you are selling - professional, creative, trade, or technical services . or what your profession is.

Whether you are a writer ... chiropractor ... attorney ... graphic artist ... Web site designer ... photographer ... printer ... consultant ... coach ... professional speaker ...

I am so confident that my Selling Your Services program can help you generate more and bigger sales, more often, that it comes with this unconditional guarantee of satisfaction:

If you are not 100% convinced that Selling Your Services can help you increase sales of your services, simply return the 5 CDs within 90 days for a prompt and full refund.

Think about that: you can listen to the entire program ... as many times as you like ... and put some or all of the ideas to work selling your services for a full 3 months, with no obligation or commitment of any kind.

I can't think of a fairer ... or more risk-free ... way to try my proven service-selling methods to work making you more money in your business.

You know that business is incredibly competitive today. It's important to be good at your craft and deliver superior service ... but these things alone are no longer enough to ensure your continued success.

The fact is, my friend SR was right..

Those who make the most money in any field, industry, or profession are not necessarily those who have the most knowledge, are most experienced in their craft, or sell the highest quality service.

No, those who make the most money, charge the top fees, and are constantly in demand are those who are best at selling and marketing themselves!

Now, with my Selling Your Services program, you can gain the selling skills you need to be more confident in selling ... enjoy it more ... generate a flood of leads and inquiries for your services . stand out from your competition ... and get more and better clients to hire you, more often, for bigger fees.

So what are you waiting for? To examine my Selling Your Services audio program, just click below now:

Bob Bly

P.S. Order today and get TWO FREE Bonus CDs:

** FREE Bonus Gift #1: Getting Clients (list price: $20) ... recorded live at my $2,500-a-head weekend "Selling Yourself" workshop, this CD gives you a quick-start overview of my proven 5-step Selling Your Services process. Pop it into your CD player, and one hour later, start selling more of your services!

** FREE Bonus Gift #2: Selling Your Services Online (list price: $20) ... reveals how you can use the Internet to increase sales of your services by $25,000 ... $75,000 ... even $100,000 or more this year.

This informative CD (list price: $20) covers building your e-list ... promoting yourself with an e-newsletter ... what to put on your Web site ... generating sales with special offers ... and more. One strategy I reveal generated 200 inquiries for my services within 48 hours for less than $400!

To order Selling Your Services ... and get your 2 FREE Bonus CDs (total value: $40) ... click below now: